No. 1158. Ryan S-T-M-S2 (VH-AGZ c/n 476)
Photographed at Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, 1953, by Ed Coates

Ryan S-T-M-S2

06/18/2007. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "This aircraft was delivered to the MLD in the Netherlands East-Indies, s/n S-40. It was transferred to the RAAF on August 27, 1942, s/n A50-31.

Struck off charge on April 18, 1945, it came on the civil registry as VH-AGZ on November 22, 1945. On January 20, 1969 it was deregistered and exported to the USA where it became N288Y. Since it has been reregistered N7779."

Created January 9, 2002