No. 14057. Lockheed 580 T-33A (16767 c/n 580-6099) French Air Force
Photograph from École de L'Aviation de Chasse, base aérienne 708, Meknès, Morocco, ca. 1954

Lockheed 580 T-33A

03/31/2022. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "Produced under the USAF serial 51-6767 as a T-33A-1-LO, the aircraft was transferred factory fresh to the French AF under the MAP.

Christian Martell logo

Serialed 16767, the aircraft was assigned to the École de L'Aviation de Chasse (Fighter Pilot Training School) 314 "Christian Martell" based at base aérienne 708 (Air Base 708), Meknès, Morocco, from January 1947 to May 31, 1961. Thereafter the school transferred to Tours in France.

The aircraft was one of 27 US-built T-33As that had their equipment brought up to French standard between 1963 and 1967. Succeeded by the Alpha Jet from 1978 on, the remaining T-33s were withdrawn from service, the pictured aircraft was sold to Turkey on October 31, 1982."

Created March 31, 2022